Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells

Solar cells are categorised according to the material from which they are made, i.e. crystalline, polycrystalline or amorphous silicon. In contrast to crystalline silicon, amorphous solar cells do not have a regular arrangement of silicon atoms. In the process developed by Panasonic, amorphous silicon is deposited in layers from SiH4 using plasma CVD. Three layers deposited as p-, i- and n-material form a pin junction. Glass, stainless steel or plastic film can be used as a substrate. Solar cells with different voltages and currents are produced by connecting several cells in series on one substrate.


  • For indoor and outdoor use
  • Glass substrate: cost-effective 
  • Stainless steel substrate: thin, light, unbreakable, any shape possible
  • Film substrate: thin, light, bendable, any shape possible